Everun are pleased to sponsor the Gulf Islands Secondary School’s Robotics Team in their endeavours competing in the VEX Robotics Competition.
The robotics team was established to bring students across a diverse student body of different ages, abilities and interests together with the goal to get involved in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) by engaging students in the task of designing and building a robot. In doing so, students are learning life long skills in teamwork, leadership, communication, critical thinking and also technical skills in Computer Aided Design, Programming and Engineering.
While undertaking the task of producing their robots, the team at the Gulfs Islands Secondary School Robotics also partnered with their older adult community mentors, local engineers, industrial designers, computer scientists, and small business owners to help aid and coach the students in their robotics project. The intergenerational operation saw the students become more knowledgeable about future career and educational pathways.
The robotics team has experience designing and building robots that have been competing in the VEX Robotics Competition for the past three years. The students are enthusiastic and dedicated to competing again in this year’s competition in hopes to grow their robotic skills.
The VEX competition “brings STEM skills to life by tasking teams of students with designing and building a robot to play against other teams in a game-based engineering challenge.” You can find out more about the VEX Robotics Competition here.
We are proud to sponsor the Gulfs Islands Secondary School Robotics Team. Everun’s sponsorship enables the robotics team to purchase additional VEX sensors, motors, components, and tools used by the students to fabricate their robots through the donation of CND$2000.
We wish the students and those involved the best of luck in this year’s competition.